Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Nazi

Connor Warren
2462 Green Ave
Penticton, B.C.
V7Y 3H9

September 22, 2011

Steven Phillips
Small town, British Columbia

Dear sir,
     It is to my understanding, that you have come across some very controversial evidence, applying to Mr. Gunter Grass. As i understand it Mr. Grass was the commandant of a German concentration camp in Poland during the second world war, and that he was responsible for the deaths of 15,000 people. I believe that Gunter Grasses actions during this time period should be over looked.

     Mr. Grass in quit possibly the best thing that could have happened to our small village. This man is incredibly selfless. If ever you were unable to afford ends meet, the only man that they could count on was Mr. Grass, he would no matter the circumstances would lend a helping hand by making sure they have enough money to cover their expenses. With out his financial aid these families would surely become impoverished . Living on the streets and unable to feed their families leaving the a defeated empty shell of their former selves. As if this selfless attitude wasn't enough Gunter Grass is also a large contributor to various charities. These selfless acts are not those a a harsh Nazi death camp commandant.

     I don't believe that Mr. Grass wanted to be in charge of such an evil place. His selfless attitude doesn't fit the image I have of an evil leader of a German death camp. He has a large family consisting of multiple children and and grandchildren. The man is 92 years old, and has yet to be put on trial for his crimes. He is much to old to repeat his offences, as well his old age means that he won't be around for an extended period of time.

     Without Gunter our small village would be without a factory that keeps this town alive. Employing many people from our village enjoy working, and making good money. This profitable factory keeps the money flowing thought this town keeping it alive. If Gunter is charged the people working at the factory may feel cheated and no longer wish to work, or live in a town where people are to be punished for committing crimes over half a century ago.

     In my opinion Mr. Gunter Grass should be pardoned for his previous crimes. His selflessness in the present far out way his previous crimes.

Connor Warren

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