Thursday, October 27, 2011

"Dialogue is fun"

     "So, how's it going?" Joe asked.
     "Eh," Rob grunted, " not so good. My girl left me the other day. She just packed all her stuff and just left, without a word, while I was working."  Rob barked.

     "She was a tart anyway! Tell you what, tonight me and you are gonna go out and find you a new girl; a better girl, who's more beautiful in every way."

     Rob bellowed, "You insensitive prat! How dare you call her that! She was the only thing I cherished."

     "Wow, wow," Joe asserted, " calm down Rob, I didn't mean to upset you. I was only trying to offer some support. So how are you feeling about this whole thing? Do you need any help with anything?"

     "No, no I've got it all under control. I didn't mean to be so short tempered with you. I've just been having a bit of trouble dealing with this."

     "Well did she leaving anything? Did you have any suspicions about her? Do you think she was seeing someone else and ran off with him?" Joe inquired.

     "If she did, I would be on my way to prison once i found them." Rob declared.

     Joe, disapprovingly, remarked "Rob are you talking about killing them! That is way to extreme of a position to take on this situation. If you were to kill her, all the work you've done to get where you are today, would be waisted: your company, your life and all those years left to experience."

     "I throw that all away if she left me for another man!" Rob yelled, " There is no way i could ever forgive her for cheating on me!"

     "What if it was me she ran off with me? Would you kill your best friend and her? How could you take another persons life?"

     "Maybe your right" Rob muttered, "Maybe I will just let her go." Rob cried, "Maybe She'll be happier without me. Maybe I'll find someone that makes me happier too."

     "Hey, don't worry about it. Tonight we'll go out and have some fun; maybe we'll find you someone new."



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